Sixth Publication


Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur is going to organise a Robot Combat Competition as RoboWar.Participant groups will battle their war bots. The most indestructible and well built bot will be the ultimate vanquisher. Also, there will be a Robo Soccer. Robo soccer bots will try to defend the goal on its side as well as score the goal on the opposite side. All the participated groups are hot to trot for the Techfest 2K20. Mechanical Workshop is being used for preparing all the bots. Jobs like welding, folding, hammering, cutting, drilling, and many more are being performed here. Participants are putting their all effort in making the best bot for the RoboWar and Robo Soccer.


The constitution of India got its freedom since 15 august 1947 but it couldn’t able to be free from the rules made by the intruders. On 26 January 1950 the constitution of India was implemented and from that day on wards in the respect of the constitution and the sacrifices made by the fighters we celebrate this day as republic day and also a national holiday. Similarly Silicon institute had also celebrated the republic day with a great enthusiasm and patriotism. The flag was hoisted by honorable director at 7:30 am followed by the National anthem and national songs by the nightingales of our college. Then the piloting team assisted honorable director near the parade troop consisting a handful of first year boys and girls and senior girls as flagmen of five different branches. The parade troop showed their respect to the flag as well as the director with matching feet and palms along with the beats of drum. The cultural program after the flag hoisting ceremony was just like the cherry on top of cake. The speeches in three different languages followed by poem recitation, followed by patriotic song by 2nd year girls then the group dance by first year girls and at last the short play by the dramatists of 2nd year boys was a bang to the ending ceremony of this auspicious day. At the end pupils got the sweet packets.


Silicon institute of technology Sambalpur arranged a food fest at the college premises to unleash the hidden master chef inside the siliconites. The cooking competition was held on 26th January from 12:00 PM on wards. A total of 10 teams from 2nd ,3rd and 4th year had participated in the competition with their team-mates and served dishes of their choice in stipulated time (45+5 minutes). Constraints to reach the winner stair was appearance and taste. Because if the food look appetizing then only it fills the quarter part of the stomach. The menu for the fest of different teams are very unique consisting of appetizers , snacks, desserts, beverages, drinks etc. Some of the recipes of teams were gajar ka halwa, chai, veg manchurian, duska, crispy cheese potato balls, virgin mojito, kadak chai, sandwiches, litti chokha, panipuri, and many more.

The participants were allowed to sell their products after the testing was done by the judges. Except participants even the pupils enjoyed a lot by this type of fest where delicious edibles were provided at a reliable prices. Mr. Jasvinder Singh, Mr. Akash Raj and Ms. Sonam Kumari were adjudged Winners of the competition for the preparation of delicious Gajar (Carrot) Halwa, Manchurian and Tea. The team comprising Mr. Arit Das, Ms. Isha Singh and Mr. Amit Yadav was adjudged 1st Runner-Up for Litti & Chokha with Masala Soft Drink. Similarly, the team comprising Mr. Rajat Chaudhary and Mr. Pranab Upendra bagged the 2nd Runner-Up prize for the preparation of Pav Bhaji and Cold Coffee. The judge panel consists of Mr. Bhawesh kumar chaudhary, Mr. Prakash Chandra Sahoo, Ms. Enakshi Das(Dean) .The event was organised by the Silicon Students Council (SSC) under the mentorship of Mr. Ashish Singh Saluja, Faculty-in-Charge – SSC.


“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Games and sports are an integral part of education. They assist in the overall development of a person. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, sports and games keep a student physically healthy and fit. Moreover, merely bookish knowledge will produce only bookworms. Hence, sports have become an essential part of the curriculum of schools and colleges everywhere. Our college too stresses upon this aspect of education and provides coaching to various sports to help students develop interest towards sports. We have games like Crickets, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Athletics and Gymnastics –a wide variety from which the students can choose according to their interests.The culmination of these sports activities is seen in the Annual intercollegiate Sports named ADWAYA conducted in the 2nd  last week of January on dated 18 and 19 .

Preparations start a good number of days before the day and the entire college gets converted into a sports ground. Everybody feels sporty, light,enthusiastic and active. It is a great change right after odd semester examinations and the lazy semester-break. All the students work hard all the year round to win the citations and awards. Thus, with the announcement of the dates for the events, Silicon institute of technology invited many colleges for different sports like volleyball, badminton and football . Each college including the host college vying to grab the trophies and certificates. Other students of the hosting college,  who do not directly participate in the sports help by working in the background by helping to prepare fields, preparing charts, numbering and listing events, cheering, working the score-board, volunteering the refreshments, accommodation of guest colleges. Government polytechnic Sambalpur, vikash, Delhi public school and Indian public school and the host college i.e Silicon institute of technology Sambalpur had participated in the two day sports fest ADWAYA. The entire college gets into the mood of play. The inaugural ceremony of Adawaya was held on 18th at 1:35 pm in which director of Silicon institute of technology and dean had delivered their wishing and blessings to the participants.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by the first knockout match of soccer held between the silicon institute of technology Sambalpur and govt polytechnic sambalpur in which govt polytechnic dug a flag of war by 2 goals. The second soccer match was held between the IPS and Vikash in  Which Vikash pushed out IPS by moving ahead to finals. The third volleyball match was held between the silicon institute of technology Vs. government polytechnic in which govt. polytechnic left Silicon institute of technology in a technical manner by a very less margin. The fourth match in volleyball was arranged between Vikash and DPS and the next was between the other two and vikash along with govt polytechnic entered the finals. Parallely the badminton matches were held with a great crowding around the court by 1st year and second year students. The finals of the three sports were scheduled on 19 . The first match was of soccer followed by volleyball followed by badminton. The government polytechnic snatched the 1st position in both football and volleyball while the host college SIT West grabbed a glorious victory in badminton tournament. With all the matches over and the victors decided, everyone waits anxiously for the prize distribution ceremony.


Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically role play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. After which the best delegate among all is chosen. Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur successfully organized MUN 2K20. In which a total of 23 students took part and they represented 23 different countries. This included country,Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, New Zealand, Brazil, United States, Switzerland, Italy, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Nepal, Bhutan, and Japan.The topic of MUN 2K20was international trade and diplomatic relations amidst global economic slowdown.

The delegate representing India(Sushmita Mohapatra) was found to be the best. The delegates representing Australia, Egypt, and France also gave tough competition to the Indian delegate. The jury members included Mr. Ashish Singh Saluja, Mrs. Ankita Panda, Mr. Rashmi Ranjan Samal, Mr. Manas Ranjan Jena and Mr. Bijay Das.

The program was organized by the literary club of Silicon institute of technology in the presence of Mr. Tyagraj Thakur (FIC literary club). The program began with a Briefing of the house. In this round, each delegate represented their country by a brief speech of 3+1 minutes. The delegates spoke about different data on GDP and slowdown. All delegates presented their speeches efficiently.After a short tea break, the second round began in which the delegates began their questions with each other. The delegate representing India received most of the questions and answered all the questions effectively and accurately.The delegate from Canada asked interesting and tactical questions. The majority of the delegates took part in the second round. The majority of the questions included topics like economic affection and economical imbalances of the countries. The members of the literary club provided help in every minute of the program. After this round, the jury began to ask questions from the different delegates in the next round. The jury was impressed by the answers given by the delegates. India, Australia were the best competitors and they answered each question precisely.After this round, the delegate representing India was declared to be the winner.Miss Sushmita Mohamatra delegate of Indian was awarded the best delegate trophy along with a certificate. A certificate of participation was given to all of the participants. After which the MUN 2K20 ended successfully.



A friendly match of Throw Ball was played between the students of Silicon Institute of Technology on 24th  of January 2020. Both the team made utmost efforts to win the match by showing their own skills .The match was played between white team and black team. The match generated huge enthusiasm and excitement in the spectators present in the ground . The match was won by white team . 


By: Anil Kumar Swain (4th Year)
By: Rajat Chaudhary (4th Year, EE)
By Geetanjali Dash ( 1st year, CSE)

By: Seemran Swain (1st year, CSE)


The CAA Protest

Recently we all have been witnessing different protests and supports from all over our country. We have been familiar with words and a term like CAA. CAA aka Citizen Amendment Act. CAA is an Indian act that came into effect from the 12th of December 2019. CAA allows, every Hindu, Christian, Buddhists, Jain, Sikh, Parsi migrants who have entered India illegally before 31st of December 2014, From the Muslim majority countries can apply for Indian citizenship. After the act came into effect. From all over the country protest started. Sometimes the protests were peaceful sometimes the motherland witnessed some terrific violence.

Some common facts about CAA

Only the migrants from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan can avail of the CAA benefits. Except for these countries even non-muslim like Jain and Hindus cannot apply for citizenship in India. Not even the Rohingya from Myanmar.How-ever the protestors feel a bit worried about secular India, as the ruling party BJP said that they wanted to help the migrants who have been staying in India for more than 5 years. As a common belief helping people should not be chosen based on religion. The protestors are demanding equality in these laws. It all started with a protest in Assam on 4th December 2019. But these protests came into limelight after the big institutes like Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia took part in the protests. Many protestors claim that they do not have valid proof to prove themselves the citizen of India’s. and the protest then increased to the next level. After a series of incident in the protests, when two of the protestors were killed, the curfew was imposed in the areas. Even after that many national leaders from the opposition joined the protest including Priyanka Gandhi. Different Bollywood actors and actresses like Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra also came front in support of the protestors.

What affected India?

After the incidents and violence activity started taking part, many foreign countries stated advisory for their citizen not to travel to the country. This shows that our international image has fallen due to the violent activity taking part in the world. Indian democracy allows a peaceful protest but the protestors should be patient. The GOI has already stated that event an Aadhar card is proof of bringing a citizen of India.

What we Indian should we do?

We Indians should believe in our democracy and the rulers. If we are not satisfied with their decision then we should call out a protest but that too in a peaceful manner. Because due to the violent activity, the condition of India becomes unstable. We all know the Economic slowdown is on the verge. The Indian economy is in the worst condition. We should support the government and the country. We should stand united.

By: Siddheswar Ojha (1st Year, CSE)

Freedom is not free

From dusk to dawn,

where corruption happens and every one yawns.

It’s a country where people follow every religion,

It is known as a country with a lot and lots of    season.

With time everything in India will degrade,

if we don’t fight against corruption every happiness of our will fade

Because freedom is not free.

Imagine what our new generation will see,

If because of us freedom flees!

We have to pay for it,because freedom is not free.

Everyone thinks politics is a gutter, full of dust and dirts,

But nobody wants to clean it by staining their shirts!

India will become a treasure full of diamonds and gold,

When we Indian will push away corruption from India’s threshold.

Let’s remove poverty, let’s remove discrimination,

Let’s remove corruption, with all our efforts and dedication.

By: Siddheswar Ojha (1st Year, CSE)