Fourth Publication


The Robotics class for all members was conducted by the coordinator of Robotics Club in the presence of Mrs.Sagrika Pradhan (FIC) from 10:30 pm to 12:00pm on 21st September 2019 in the Robotics Room. Students in the class learned about Arduino code and circuit designing
based on arduino UNO. They had hands-on experience in 4 types of circuit designing namely, Blinking, Fading, Knight Riders and For loop Iterations of led. Moreover,
applications of Knight Rider in Automotive, Instrumentation, Medical, Electronics, Alarm System etc, were dealt with. Fading led lights circuit can be used in security applications with a view to alerting any hazard. It can also be used in cars as advanced indicators. Led
Blinking circuit can be used in signaling purpose and as flashing beam. Students in the class were divided into 6 groups and each group was assigned a coordinator as guide.


Early Education: I have completed my schooling and intermediate from Sambalpur. My graduation is from Rama Devi Women’s University (Formerly Rama Devi Women’s Collge), Bhubaneswar. I have done my Masters in Economics with specialization in Econometrics and
Mathematical Economics from Sambalpur University. My MPhil Dissertation is on Water Economics from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar and right now I am continuing my PhD in Economics in Development Economics from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. I have one year of experience as Research Investigator in NIT, Rourkela for a project funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).

Daily Motivation: I love teaching. It has always been my hobby since childhood, but after engaging in a research project and associating with that, my perception towards academics has changed. I now resonate with it more of a passion than a hobby and look forward to the new ways how teaching and learning can be made easier. Thus, for daily motivation, I think self-growth is my booster. I like to grow each day.

Changes in Institution: This is a personal opinion more of a change that is required to be adopted in overall education system than only in this college. We have come up to the time where sustainability is being questioned. There are many practice areas in the education system where academicians need to ponder over. Like growing vegetables and fruits on campus and assigning it as a project to students, it helps them understand the importance of land and makes the best use of natural resources, recyclable plastics and the creation of new
products out of discarded goods/materials. Institutions, especially in the domain of Engineering should focus on innovation in the reuse and recycle of plastic wastes.

For students as a teacher or a mother: I don’t look like a mother so I will rule out the second part, but I would definitely like to bridge the gap between me and my students. It helps to get connected with them and understand their behaviour and psychology. It helps for a better connect and communication in class.

Message to students: Yes. Life is too short for regrets. If you missed a chance don’t sit and sulk. Get up and get working.


Mr. Amitabh Mishra, Chief Information Officer and Chief Digital Officer from different leading MNCs like General Electric, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, and SAP, delivered a lecture titled “Digital Transformation” on 5th October 2019 in Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur.

PLACEMENT 2019-2020

The placement season for the 2020 graduation batch kicked off early in July 2019 with the visit of CoreEL for students of ECE which was followed by series of recruitment drives by companies like GyanSys, ValueLabs, FSS, First Americans etc. Silicon Sambalpur bagged its first success with the selection of Mr. Yash Raghava in GyanSys with an offer of 4.5 LPA. With the Off-Campus Drive by TCS four students of Silicon Sambalpur namely, Yash Raghava, Spandan Srujan Panda, Satyam Kumar and Soumya Karmakar carried forward the success story having one offer each from TCS with 3.36 LPA. Though the pace of success stories went sluggish with no selection of students till the end of September, the Shared Day 1 Drives by Wipro and Infosys held on 19-20 September 2019 and 01-02 October 2019 respectively brought a new lease of air that filled the environment with optimism and hope. The results of Wipro-Infosys Shared Day 1 drive surpassed all the previous records of Silicon Sambalpur campus where out of 39 eligible students 19 were selected by Infosys and 12 were selected by Wipro with an offer of 3.6 LPA from both companies. Meanwhile, the selection of Ankur Raj in Spikewell with an offer of 6 LPA and an initial internship opportunity of six months with a stipend of Rs. 20,000/- per month added additional feather to the caps of the
Siliconites. Similarly, Mr. Yash Raghava and Mr. Anil Kumar Swain have recently been selected by Cognizant with an offer of 4 LPA. Besides, students have participated in many such recruitment drives by companies like Mindtree, SAP Labs, JARO, ATMECS, Medha Servo, Mindfire Solutions and Amazon. The Industry Interface Cell intends to conduct many such recruitment drives by companies like Process MAP, Juspay and many more in the near future in order to facilitate the students with maximum opportunities. The placement status as on 01 November 2019 for the 2020 graduation batch is as follows:

Silicon Eco Garden: A step to Reassert Nature’s Touch

In the materialistic modern era , with the rise of mechanical civilization, a man runs after the golden deer visible in form of industrial establishments and completely undermines his age-old link with environment. The world of leaves and flowers has lost its hold from the day when man comes under the spell of junk food and valued things in terms of money and matters. The concept of Kitchen Garden would certainly generate consciousness
on the environment in one hand and evoke aversion for deforestation on the other. This concept has its utility in myriad levels practically realized by everyone, but for the engineering students ego remains busy in their academic world with technical thoughts in mind. It is a great source of relaxation and recreation. It also helps them to understand nature a bit closer. A kitchen garden establishes a touch of the door to the process of the natural growth which a student can feel in every step. As a student observes the seed or planted seedling gaining strength with his own care, he derives a unique satisfaction. In contrast, when any planted tree becomes arid or looks deserted, becomes affected by harmful insects, required remedial care is given to it in the same spirit as one takes care of a sick member of family. Hence, kitchen garden enkindles a caring nature. Working in corporate sectors the employees in general, but engineers, in particular, assume a status ego that makes them feel superior to the farmers and gardeners, but the involvement In kitchen garden will make one feel the significant role of a farmer that eliminates the hold of ego in people. It will make them realize that only status and money can’t give happiness, but attachment to nature and environment gives real pleasure and peace in life. It can exert an aesthetic value as the scene of kitchen garden is pleasing to the eyes and its observation uplifts one’s mood. It can also make one positive and evoke a transcendental feeling for the pull of the beauty of the plants in the erected garden. Keeping the above benefits in mind, I with my colleagues in the Department of Civil Engineering, especially Mr. Alok Kumar Nanda and the students of the 3rd Semester have erected a small kitchen garden with a strong hope that it will bring success and satisfaction.

Written by—Ms. Pragyan Parimita, Asst. Professor, Civil Engineering


An Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp was organised at Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Silicon Bhubaneswar and supported by NSTEDB, Government of India under DSTNIMAT Project. Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mishra (Director, Silicon SBP) delivered the Welcome Address and Prof. Enakshi Das (Dean, Silicon SBP) shared her thoughts on entrepreneurship as a career. Dr. Mahendra Prasad Agasty (Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty in Charge, ED Cell & Coordinator of Institution Innovation Council, Silicon BBS) introduced the theme of the camp and dealt with the charm of being an entrepreneur.

He also took a session on ‘Design Thinking’. Eminent Speaker, Motivator, Mentor and Entrepreneur Mr. Bhavani Shankar Pani delivered a stimulating talk on ‘Identification of Opportunities and Idea Generation’. Similarly Mr. Toosar Panigrahi – Assistant General Manager, IDBI, Bargarh and a learned financial consultant, reflected upon the ‘Role of Financial Institutions in Starting New Enterprises’.
Mr. Pani and Mr. Panigrahi addressed the queries from the participants. Ms. Ankita Panda (Assistant Professor of Economics & Faculty in Charge, ED Cell, Silicon SBP) coordinated and compered the event. More than 100 students participated in the event. Hope we will see a few entrepreneurs from among the students in the days to come.


By Chowdhury Swayansu Satyaprajna 1st year, CSE

By Anil Kumar Swain, 7th Semester, CSE
By Anukul Chandra Mahato, 3rd Semester, ME

Is Ethical Hacking a bonzer walk of life in India?

The term Hacking is sometimes misunderstood as something mischievous act. A Hacker is a computer expert who can gain unauthorised access to any vulnerable system connected in a network. There are many kinds of hackers. Broadly we talk only about three kinds:
Black Hat Hacker, Grey Hat Hacker and White Hat Hacker (or Ethical Hacker).

Black Hat Hacker: These are the category of people who hack into systems for their own benefits. Black Hat Hackers are also known as Crackers. Whenever you hear the news like Social Media handle hacked, Personal data leak, Bank fraud and many more, these dreadful people are responsible for it. Basically, they are criminals and if caught will be put
behind the bars along with penalty.

White Hat Hacker: White Hat Hackers first take permission from the owner of the system in which he or she wishes to perform hacking. White Hat Hackers or Ethical Hackers are employed to find the possible security flaws and vulnerabilities in their system. They break into the system and report the vulnerability to their organization. Engineers are then responsible to fix these flaws. As the Ethical Hackers have deep programming knowledge so they also fix these vulnerabilities. It depends from company to company. No criminal records are issues against Ethical Hackers until they work under the permissible limits.

Grey Hat Hacker: Grey Hat Hacking is the mixture of White Hat Hacking and Black Hat Hacking. Similar to the Grey colour which is the combination of Black and White. A Grey Hat Hacker hacks for a productive and moral objective but the way is not ethical. The best example of Grey Hat Hacking is the Anonymous group of hackers.

Ethical Hackers in India
In the recent years there is an exponential rise in the hiring of Ethical Hackers in IT companies. They are doing it to make their network security stronger. Companies are offering large packages for skilled Ethical Hackers. This scenario was completely different in past few years. Previously, companies never hired Ethical Hackers. They offered the Ethical Hacking post to one of their senior programmers and trained them. As of now a person only knowing programming can’t become the best Ethical Hacker. It requires a lot more knowledge about Networking and different hacking tools.

How to become an Ethical Hacker?
Learn Programming: This is the fundamental part of becoming an Ethical Hacker. You should have a proper command over two or more programming languages. Also, it is important to have basic knowledge about many other programming languages. Learn all the fundamentals of programming from basic to advanced.

Networking and Security: A skilled hacker should have deep knowledge about Networking. Do some Networking courses and get certified. The names popular courses are CCNA, CISA and OSCP. You should also learn to use Database Management System like MySQL.

Operating Systems: Ethical Hackers should also have knowledge about different operating systems. The most popular OS used by hackers are Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Parrot Security OS, DEFT and Windows.

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Getting a CEH certificate will ultimately boost your Ethical Hacking career. It will easily help to fetch jobs. Give the CEH Exam conducted by the EC-Council. It is a paid certification which has a great value.

Practice: Revise all the things which you have learned so far. Also, work on building communication skills. These communication skills are very important to get you a job. It will be very beneficial if you can take permission to practice your penetration, social engineering, SQL Injection, DoS attack, Reconnaissance and other skills.

First Year
Computer Science & Engineering

Time Travel

With the developing technology in space research, the day is not far when people can
move between certain periods. But some intellectuals of space research do believe that
some people might have time-traveled whether intentionally or not is not known. To
believe this concept we have to get a clear idea of what is time and what is a paradox and
the relation between these two. According to Einstein, time is relative to the observer and
the motion of the observer. Earlier many used to believe that time is a dimension however
the debate goes on till date. It is stated that time has looped. One can easily get to these
loops by triggering certain wormholes. Many believe that black holes are the gateways to
alternate dimensions and worlds where time travel is possible. However, some consider it
a hoax only. It is an ongoing debate between the two concepts, and it is also difficult to
believe the latter concepts. So according to Einstein’s theory of time, an object can travel
ahead of the surrounding time, but it needs to be faster than light’s speed. As we know the
relative mass of the body may increase when it achieves light’s speed. However, the rest
mass appears to be constant. That’s why a body can’t travel with the speed of light as it
will require a huge or infinite mass which is not possible as it will require an infinite source
of energy. So time travel is not possible.

By Siddheswar Ojha (1st Semester)